Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Business Insurance for Dummies

It’s not rocket science! It’s business insurance.

What do you do? Who do you do it for? Describe your top 3 customers, and your last 5 jobs. That’s not all. What did you report for receipts (income) on your taxes? Do you have any employees? Seems like it’s a lot of questions…
There’s a reason for all the questions. It’s important to ask the right questions in the beginning so that in the end you get the right coverage. There’s nothing worse than paying money for something that will never protect you, right?
We insure lots of different businesses; small repair shops and auto dealers, restaurants and lawyers offices too. We want to be your one stop shop for Massachusetts business Insurance.

Our services don’t stop. We work with the best local CPA’s, business consultants, lawyers, and marketers all to get your business to the next level. Whether it’s incorporating or moving out of your home garage J.M. Doherty Insurance is helping to “steer you in the right direction”.

There are many facets to all businesses. Because of this, there is no “one size fits all” insurance policy. Let our agents answer your questions and debunk the myths about what’s covered and what’s not. Being proactive with your insurance plan is very important. Even though the catastrophes we see on television and read about seem distant and not relative, “stuff” happens every day. We see it because we get the calls.

The process doesn’t take long. There is an application to complete. There might be some clarification needed by the insurance carrier about this or that. After the questions and answers we receive the quotes and review them with you. We determine what’s important to you and your business and secure coverage.
We can usually quote and secure coverage in less than a day in some cases. If the business is more complicated, maybe a week on the quotes. We encourage you to contact us today at
Thank you!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Coverage Declined Because of Your Website

If you’re shopping for Massachusetts business insurance please be aware that the first place most
insurance company underwriters look to determine your scope and scale is your website.
I have seen more than one business policy non-renewed or cancelled because the website lists
something that the insurer doesn’t like. It’s important to understand that your insurance companies
don’t like it when you have too much going on.

I had a friend refer me to his dad. Their primary operations include sewer work. His crew does mostly
septic tie-ins and pipe laying. He has equipment for this type of stuff. The crew takes extra training so
they will be the best in the business for this type of service.

I’m getting him some new quotes. I think we’re looking good. I’m excited because perhaps I will be
writing the insurance for him. Then the phone rings...Out of 7 possible companies, no one will quote on
it because they went to his website.

Upon further inspection, I see why they don’t want to insure him.

According to the website he is not just an excavation contractor. He’s a general contractor. That means
he’s in charge of the jobsite and all permits and all liability. The site also says he does DEMOLITION!
(Just watch the video as the wall comes crashing down) This is NOT GOOD!!
I asked him about the site. Do you do any general contracting? NO, but I could...Do you do demolition?
NO, but I could...

Keep your website focus on what you do primarily. If you are a contractor and you do only framing, or
only siding and windows, don’t list demolition on your website. If you sell cars, but don’t service them,
don’t list car repair on your site.

These companies don’t take your word for it either. According to them, it’s on there, then it must be

Before your website causes problems, please give us a call today.
Thank you!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Coastal Home Owners Insurance

We are lucky to live here in New England. The four seasons are questionable. We might have a summer
that starts in April, or a winter that ends in late June. None the less, we all take pride in our hardiness as
we should. After all* “if you don’t like the weather in New England wait a minute or drive a mile”. Don’t you feel better already?

Living in the coastal regions of New England has its challenges. Our homes take a beating because of the constantly changing conditions. Massachusetts has more than 1500 miles of coast that is subject to
Nor’easter’s and deadly hurricanes. Thankfully, the last category two hurricane was back in the late
1960’s named Donna.

Now with improved satellite imagery we have a full seven day forecast. The predictions aren’t always
totally accurate. *I’ll send you back to paragraph one for clarification. For the most part, the reports are
far more precise than in years past. We all benefit from that.

The reason many Massachusetts home insurance carriers are not so willing to insure your home near
the ocean has nothing to do with the fear of flooding. Your Massachusetts home owners insurance
policy DOESN’T cover flood. (a flood insurance policy covers that). It’s the WIND!
Wind is a covered peril and your insurance carrier would have to respond to this type of claim. Be aware
that all carriers have some form of deductible. It might just be a standard $500, $1000, $2500. Your
policy might also have a separate deductible for WIND. I have seen wind deductibles as high as 5% of th
dwelling amount.

This means if you have your home insured for $300,000 and you have a 5% WIND
deductible, that’s $15,000. That’s the cost of a whole new roof for some people.
Be proactive! Pull out your policy and look at it with your broker. If you would rather, contact us at We are here to “steer you in the right direction”.

Before the 2011 hurricane season begins, we want to hear from you!!

Thank you!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm a Believer!

True story: When I was 6 or 7 years old there wasn't much slowing me down. This particular day, things were no different when I decided it was time to jump my bicycle over a large rock on the roadside.  After all, it was only about 8 inches tall, shaped just like a ramp. I hit that thing at top speed and took off for the sky.  Well like any skyward adventure, eventually all things crash to the ground.  You know when you're that age you can only ignore gravity for so long...bang, boom, crash, smash onto the hard earth I came. 
The term yard sale was putting it lightly. Everyone in the neighborhood was there to see me laying there on the ground. "He's hurt" I hear my neighbor say..."get his mother, she's a nurse".  The neighbor was right. I had come down on my right arm with so much force, I broke my elbow, collar bone, and my upper arm in 4 places. This is NOT good!!
My mom (my hero) was on the scene in a flash. We only lived on the next street over. "get me some shingles for a splint, I need ice.  Someone call the ambulance." She had things under control. It wasn't a pretty site. My arm was all busted up and the summer had just begun!!
They took me to the hospital in the back of a cop car. I guess the ambulance was busy with another patient? I remember that ride. Every bump in the road was a nighmare. I didn't go into shock. My mom was keeping me awake and conscious.
I spent 2 months at the hospital in traction. Pins and weights and sleepless nights in pain.

Fast forward...age 10 diagnosed with Migraine headaches, age 15 cat scans and MRI's, age 20 vision issues, flashing and light sensitivity, missing work for 2-3 days with head aches.  Neurological exams, tests, medications...NO RELIEF! The medications made me feel worse than having the migraine!! Years and years, on and on...
Age 38, I hear Dr. Thomas Crabbe speaking to a group of business owners about how chiropractic care can help alleviate these symptoms and restore normal blood flow to the brain.
Tom says " when I was 7 years old a chiropractor cured me of my headaches, that's why I decided to become one too".
I was still skeptical until three or four people in the crowd tell me that Tom cured them too! I figured it was worth a $20 co-pay to see if they were right.
I made the appointment and arrived on time. Tom started by asking me several questions about the activities and sports that I like to do. He asked me to perform some basic movements.
He says "your range of motion is very limited on the right side of your body. Did you have any trauma there in the past"?   I said yes, I had an accident when I was younger, spent time in traction and then in a cast. He tells me that my body healed itself in that position. He began working that area. Rubbing some "minty" gel on that spot. He massaged and worked his fingers onto the spot that always tingled and burned. Finally, Tom asked me to stand up. He put his two hands, one on my chest in front of my shoulder, one on my back right on that burning spot. He gave a squeeze and "POP".
In that instant my migraines were cured! IN THAT INSTANT!!!!!!!!!  It was a miracle!!!!!!!! AHHHHH, RELIEF. I wanted to hug the guy, but I refrained.
I go to see Tom once every 60 days or so just to stay in line. I have not had a migraine headache since I've seen him.  No Drugs, No side effects.  I refer all my friends too. I'm a believer!! Thank you Dr. Tom.
Dr. Thomas Crabbe "keeping you in the game"!
For "37" years J.M. Doherty Insurance Agency, Inc. "Steering you in the right direction".
Thank you!!

Try Sea Salt!

The varieties are remarkable, Mediterranean Sea Salt, Italian Sea Salt, Hawaiian, Organic, Smoked...there's more.
Often harvested by hand these specialty salts are famous for their unique flavors and crystal formations.  Colors like, pink, grey, black are common. You will need a mill or grinder when using sea salt. Some will come in a "fine" granular form.  But, I recommend the course style milled directly into your dish.
Sea Salt is a part of our culture and history. Long before we had refrigeration the only methods of preservation were salting, smoking, or drying food.  Sea water flooded huge collection areas and was dried on the wind. The natural heat of the sun slowly evaporated the sea water and eventually crystalized. When there was enough dried crystals it was collected in barrels for storage.
Wars have been waged for Salt and Pepper, for that matter. (but that's another story)
Today we have the luxury of choosing from a huge list of salt options. I encourage you to give one a try.
Some salts may contain Iodine, some salts do not. Iodine is important in protecting your thyroid gland, and vital for overall good health.
Too much salt isn't good either. Your doctor will agree, too much of a good thing will eventually cause a problem.
In balance with other herbs and spices, Sea salt can really perk up a meal.
J.M. Doherty Insurance Agency, Inc "steering you in the right direction"
Thank you!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dog Insurance

Please understand that we are pet lovers here. I remember my first dog Brutis. The little scrapper was more apt to bite than some doberman pincers I've met.  He was a wire haired mix between beagle and terrier. Small dog with a big attitude. Don't mess with Brutis. LOL. I still have a scar on my wrist from a fight between him and Ace, the neighbors black lab. These two didn't see eye to eye. One day at the bus stop the two of them went at it.  Tearing and biting...I grabbed Brutis by the collar, Ace jumped for his neck. But before Ace could strike my dog twisted around and bit me so I would let go.  Great!! 
Who decides what dogs make the "Bad Dog" list? Each company has data on which breeds of canine that they will "insure".  It's up to them.  If your dog bites someone they will have to defend you and your dog and possibly pay for injury.  Even if the dog doesn't bite anyone and it's just alleged to have bitten, the defense cost alone can be $20,000. That's not short money.
Other companies just flat out EXCLUDE ALL DOGS: Look under the exclusions page for the words CANINE EXCLUSION or ANIMAL EXCLUSION.
Pit bull, American bull dog, Rotweiller, German shepherd, Akita, Chow, Doberman pincer, Husky, Wolf hi-bred. Notice I didn't include Black lab, or Poodle. Let's face it any dog can bite. So why are these breeds selected verses others? It's because some of these have been bred over years to be guard dogs. They also have something called "lock Jaw".
Have you ever seen a dog bite onto a stick of a rope and you can't get it free because they are biting down on it so hard? When a dog can bite and hold, that's lock jaw.
Most dogs bite and retreat. They don't bite and hold.
There is hope for those people who own "bad dogs". We have some options if you've been declined.
The best case is when your dog has been trained! If your pet has a Good Canine Citizen (GCC) certificate, then you might have more options.
Please give us a call today. We can answer your questions and help provide some relief.
Thank you!!