Friday, May 20, 2011

ECOMMERCE: Small Business Insurance

I have a “wicked smart” neighbor. He can re-wire a car radio. He can draw designs for a new shed, and build it too. He is great on the computer. He knows how to write “code” He can cut, crop, and paste with the best of them. He even builds websites at home in his free time. I’m envious because I am lacking in all of those areas.

What I do know is insurance! Massachusetts Ecommerce Business Insurance to be specific.
Are you working from home designing and building websites? Are the websites you’re creating designed to help increase sales or manage online sales for somebody else’s business? Maybe you are an “independent contractor” for someone else? Do you enter businesses or peoples’ homes to do repair work? What happens if you damage something someone gets hurt? What happens when what you’ve created crashes and this customer can no longer sell their product? The potential for big losses can be a problem, especially if you don’t protect yourself properly.

Advertising placement, graphic design, copyright and trademark design, photography, marketing, consulting, merchandising…There’s more, but you get the point. Many facets of Ecommerce work can leave you vulnerable to litigation. Most of these issues mentioned are all related to your professional opinion. When you “hang your shingle” out there as “webmaster” you are the expert. When your expertise leads to loss of business, whether intended or not, you could have a problem.

I recently heard of a case where a webmaster was hosting a customers’ website in house and it crashed. Sure it was backed up. The down time was costing this client $70,000 a day in revenue. It only took three days to get it up and functioning property. That’s right. Here comes a $210,000 law suit for ya!

We ask the right questions. We have several options. Maybe a simple “in home business” policy is the answer? Perhaps it’s more involved. We try harder. Please click or give us a call today.

For almost “40” years J.M. Doherty Insurance Agency Inc. “steering you in the right direction”.
Thank you!!

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