Massachusetts Homeowners Insurance carriers will be getting numerous calls today after the 5.8 magnitude earthquake hits the east coast. It was felt as far south as Georgia and as far north as Canada.
Earthquakes a more common on the west coast because the ground is softer, and not as dense. Here along the east coast there is granite and hard pack which makes it harder for the earth to shift and move.
Your homeowners insurance policy does not automatically include earthquake coverage. There is an extra premium and usually a 5% deductible with it. That means if you have a $250,000 house the deductible would be a $12,500 deductible. That's high. However many new homes near the ocean are elevated because of flooding concern. The average cost of an elevated foundation is more than $40,000. A standard foundation can cost upwards of $20,000. At that rate, even the 5% isn't too bad.
We can answer your questions about how you can benefit from having Earthquake coverage. It's peace of mind knowing if your foundation, tile floors, plaster walls will be fixed if we have another one.
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